Corporate Responsibility

Our dedication to our people and the environment governs our operations – building long-term sustainability to serve our customers long into the future.

Iconex embraces its responsibility to operate in ways that respect and protect the health, safety and well-being of our coworkers, the communities where we live and operate, and the environment as a whole. Iconex conducts business with integrity, openness and honesty – every day, in everything we do. As we focus on our Winning Aspiration, we work hard to ensure that Iconex operates as a good corporate citizen. Our Environmental, Social and Governance Policy reflects our core values.

Sustainability In Action


  • Eco-friendly Materials
  • PRCA Converting Stds & Governance
  • Reduced Waste & Chemical Exposure


  • Sustainable Product Design
  • Measurable Annual Impact
  • Reduced Emissions


  • Safety First
  • Development / Advancement Programs
  • Ethical Business Practices

The Solar Impulse Foundation

The Solar Impulse Foundation aims to accelerate the transition to a carbon-free, sustainable economy. MAX International, now part of Iconex, is proud to be among the few selected from over 100,000 applicants.

The Solar Impulse Efficient Solution Label is the only certification that verifies the economic profitability of environmentally friendly products and processes across various sectors, including water, energy, mobility, and agriculture. Unlike other labels, the SIF Label takes a holistic approach, bridging environmental, social, and economic sustainability. It is awarded following a rigorous evaluation process based on feasibility, environmental impact, and profitability, and is recognized by public authorities, industry experts, and financial partners worldwide.

The Solar Impulse Foundation, with its experts and partners, has identified and certified 1,000 technological solutions that protect the environment while being financially viable. These solutions are clean, efficient, cost-effective, and available today, reducing the environmental impact across various industries while promoting economic and social prosperity.

Cartridge Recycling

Iconex recognizes that responsible product stewardship begins with product design. From product conception to final disposition, Iconex strives to improve the environmental design of our products, with the goal of maximizing opportunities for recycling and/or reuse.

Recycling at Iconex